Sunday, February 24, 2019

male abandon - conceiving/dreaming of group pieces

after having enjoyed beyond words the enormously stimulating (!) public research by Random Collision at Theater Rotterdam / Moving Futures two days ago** , I keep working on a series of dances that all put (cis-passing?) men in very vulnerable and open situations, emotional, sensitive and sensual, present, embodied.

much of the work is made for gay and Queer men who already by their sexual practices are not enjoying the same kind of mainstreamed-culture protection.

but in the basics, I am surprised how much a male thing it seems to be, to go for abandoning the self, surrendering to the impuls, the risk, beckoning a partner for mating, daring to give it all away for this one moment of maybe procreating (...)

this to me, also from personal experience, seems to be a centrally male quality in a sense.
and how far it may permeate other choices. 

the Moving Futures webpage exists no longer, instead here is a link to the project

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