"dear members of DanceHotel!
here are two themes that interest me particularly:
1) the first is to develop a dance without knowing where it will lead, but based on what deeply fascinates and interests in the moment. the excitement should be sensory, rather than conceptual.
when I read about how Merce Cunningham developed his dances by following an inspiration, this finding out feels very alive and direct in the above senses.
2) the second interest i have is dance on video creating an experience very close to physical touch, especially as podcasts or IP-TV / digital television. how can we make dances that bring the kinesthetic experience as a physical one for the viewer - "screen touch" instead of touch screen ;-)
>> both ideas have something to do with immediacy, no layers or coating around the subject matter, but very direct experience, as otherwise in contact improvisation, for example. they also have to do with being and living now - not in some mental bubble from the past, removed from experience -- so.... :-) "
(posted on Facebook / DanceHotel, Dec. 23rd 2008)
a video i found while looking at a video by Asuka Yamaguchi
Senaka, by AsaChang & JunRae (Japan)
this video looks very interesting for me as for the second proposal, screen-touch
how does it give a sense of movement, even there are all of these many cuts, in a Cubist(?) kind of way.
I like the somewhat private sense of gestures, brought out to video - while she follows the music to great detail in its rhythm and phrasing. something similar, though even more minimal and less rhythmical was my interest for my part in bivak gloria, but it became the usual larger-scale dance...
I find noteworthy that because she is following the music so much with every beat, it becomes kind of easy to maintain a very close track of the timing of her movements, even though the camera view jumps from perspective to perspective all the time.
often it is the rupture in the exact organic timing of the movements which have had me definitely decide againts cuts in a video-recording of dance - it always feels rather jolted when the change of image artificially interrupts the flow of body-movement...
here it is somewhat different, even though the movement is very subjected to music, and the video does follow that, even though it changes perspectives all the time, and all looks very set in advance ...